Friday, 2 March 2012

Some practical work...

Something that I've been working on is collecting some sketches around my area that I currently live in as a student. All of the locations I've tried to capture the same presence of life that the image from my living room original caused. Moving forward with the same style of simple graphic lines like a stain glass window but also focusing on the idea of the hand drawn approach that my tutor liked in one of my examples. With my sketches I used a thin fine liner to get the initial sketch and then a slightly thicker brown fine liner to get a more defined line, however I wanted it a bit thicker to make a clearer more graphic mark which annoyingly took a bit longer but also made me concentrate more on detail. Below are my first six drawings (click to enlarge):



I wanted to do the same with these drawings as I did with the kitchen drawing/edit that I did early on in my first term by filling it in with flat colour in Photoshop, but I thought before that I'd also show the in between in case I decided to do anything with just the line drawings:


Here are the edits with flat colour:

One of my ideas is to project an appropriate scene in a space relating to that image using a projection from acetate. I like the idea of being able to draw with clean lines on one side and then give a suggestion of colour on the other side to see if it makes a difference to the clean-ness of the above picture. So I've edited the same line drawings with the same colour schemes but without worrying about going over lines or filling in white spaces:

On Monday 5th March I have a group crit where I have to show a piece of work as though it is being exhibited. I think I want to set a scene which would be found in the studio space that it will be shown in  and create a similar line drawing to those above on acetate and then paint the colour on behind and project it onto the wall.

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