On the Hunt Kastner website (the gallery that represented Kotátková at the Frieze Fair) there is a statement written by Kotátková Herself. I found it interesting that her work and starting point is similar to what I'm looking at now so I can take inspiration from what Kotátková has explored as well as her visual technique. This most helpful sentence would be; 'I work with everyday stories and situations, re-evaluating them, transforming them, locating them within new coordinates, given by my personal experience and biography.' as it involves everything I have mentioned, being autobiographical and involving the 'every-day' in a straight forward way. I like her idea of looking at 'mechanisms' and routines/rituals as it what makes up part of everyday life.
'However, an obsessive recording of things and situations by means of drawing remains for me the most intimate and direct way of expression.' This statement has encouraged me to continue with the idea of a sketch book diary. I might start with casual observations everyday and then for the last week before my birthday I could get more 'obsessive' like Kotátková as a form of expression and record of my existence before I turn twenty.
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