Although I liked the cut outs of the canvases idea I felt I could develop it further to explore more of the everyday and the mundane than to focus on a specific building. Whilst also being influenced by Paul Caulfield I decided to take individual objects, rather than sites and draw them by their selves. My plan was to put these in the glass frames I had got to be lit up fro behind, but after the cutting out of the canvases I thought it could work better to cut into some of the details in picture which would then be placed into the perspex frames in the hope that natural light would cast shadows onto the surrounding area like in Tom Fruin's Glass house.
I wanted these drawings to be universal, something that everyone could find in their home, the objects I came up with were; an Iron, toothpaste, a mobile phone, shoes, scales, a chair and a teapot. I feel that all of these objects could be placed happily in any one's home and to demonstrate I recorded them in my own home. The problem with the drawings is that not all of them are to scale as they are all made to fit the same sized frames to help with the transportation of them to new sites, but the benefit of record them through photography meant that I could create an illusion where necessary to make the the objects appear in proportion to their surroundings. Some had to be held by string and brought closer to the camera to make them bigger, when editing I could have removed the string but I liked that you could see the construction of the final image by leaving it there, a bit like how you can imagine the process in my drawings by seeing the markings and wobbly lines that could only made by hand.
I liked how you can see the surrounding environment in the gaps in the pictures, so their shadow becomes a part of the setting as well as the setting becoming a part of the image, they merge into one. I also cut parts away to show how although these objects are visible to us everyday and we'd recognise them anywhere, we also look pass them because of our familiarity with them. After making these I decided to make a clock that would be photographed with a more prominent light to cast a strong shadow of the clock. I made two versions, one an outline and one the same as these drawings, where only parts are cut out. I liked the slightly cut out drawing more one it's own but I found that the outlined cut out gave a better shadow so have chosen that for the final photo. I chose a clock as my final object as I wanted people, whilst looking at these photos as a collection, to think about the time that passes when using these objects.
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