Monday, 7 May 2012


Shown along with these is a piece I have entitled ‘Who?’. Simply a small rectangular piece of mirrored Perspex shown at eye level. 
If you think of it as just a surface it is just a plain rectangle, When approaching you will see the room reflected in it’s surface and when stood in front you will see yourself framed by the edges. By itself in any other environment this would just be a mirror but shown with these other pieces a theme is repeated. Like the drawings it is in it’s simplest form and removes all detail on it’s surface. When you see the emptiness of the room or the presence of other people reflected in it you think of the environment it is being shown in, unlike the poster which takes you into a world, this shows you your own environment and makes you think about the way that space is inhabited. When you see your own reflection you are provided with what is normally enough proof of your own existence, but alongside these other pieces you question what is real and what is fact. There is a well-known saying ‘Seeing is Believing’ however I has shown in my other works up til this point that even though there is an absence of a figure in these images, you can still believe that someone has been then, so can you really rely on a reflection?
On the theme of time, every time you look into a mirror you change, your reflection will never be the same again, when you return to this piece you will see something new, which should make you think of the day to day events that have passed since you last visited and so consider the idea of passing time. 

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